
田俊 食品安全控制与新药研发团队



团队负责人:田俊 教授

团队成员:韩永华 张鹏 苗向敏 冯昭中 柴宇星


田俊,男,博士,教授。江苏省“青蓝工程”中青年学术带头人、省“六大人才高峰”高层次人才、省“青蓝工程”优秀青年骨干教师、省“青年科技人才托举工程”、省“双创计划”科技副总、苏北发展急需人才引进计划、江苏师范大学“国家优青”后备人才;以第一或通讯作者身份的发表论文近40篇(其中SCI二区及以上期刊21篇);申请国家发明专利13项;先后主持国家自然科学基金面上项目(2项)、青年项目、中国博士后基金一等资助、江苏省产学研前瞻性联合研究项目等20项课题;获江苏省高校自然科学奖二等奖(第1完成人)、徐州市发明协会科学技术奖二等奖(第1完成人);指导本科生获得挑战杯、生命类等国家级学术竞赛一等奖4项、二等奖1项、三等奖1项、省级一等奖2项、省“互联网+”银奖1项、省“创青春”银奖1项、省优秀本科生毕业论文一等奖1项;现担任北大核心期刊《中草药》青年编委、国际Journalof Food, Nutrition and Dietetics和AustinJournal of Pharmacology and Therapeutics期刊编委;中国食品科学技术学会高级会员、徐州市生态健康学会理事、徐州市发明协会理事、国家自然科学基金评审专家、国家星火计划项目评审专家。



1)Yong-xinLi, Chi Zhang, Shenyuan Pan, Lei Chen, Man Liu, Kunlong Yang, Xiaobin Zeng,Jun Tian*. Analysis of chemical componentsand biological activities of essential oils from black and white pepper (Piper nigrum L.) in five provinces ofsouthern China. LWT-Food Science andTechnology 2019 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lwt.2019.108644.(*Corresponding author) (二区)

2)Lei Chen,Zhen Wang, Liang Liu, Su Qu, Yuanyuan Mao, Xue Peng, Yong-xin Li,Jun Tian*.Cinnamaldehyde inhibit Candida albicans growth by causingapoptosis, and its treatment on vulvovaginal candidiasis and oropharyngealcandidiasis. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology2019DOI: 10.1007/s00253-019-10119-3. (*Correspondingauthor) (二区Top)

3)SuQu, Lei Chen, Hui Tian, Zhen Wang, Fei Wang, Liqin Wang, Jinting Li, Hui Ji,Liurong Xi, Zhaojun Feng, Jun Tian*,Zhaozhong Feng. Effect of perillaldehyde on prophylaxis andtreatment of vaginal candidiasis in a murine model. Frontiersin Microbiology2019 10:Article 1466. (*Correspondingauthor) (二区)

4)PengZhang, Hao Hai, Dongxu Sun, Weihua Yuan, Weijie Liu, Ruru Ding, Mengting Teng,Lin Ma, Jun Tian*, Caifa Chen. A High Throughput Method forTotal Alcohol Determination in Fermentation Broths. BMC Biotechnology 201919:30.(*Corresponding author) (三区)

5)YangWang,YuzhenZhu, Lingyun Xiao, Lanlan Ge, XinWu, Weigang Wu, Haoqiang Wan, KedaZhang, Jiemei Li, Boping Zhou, Jun Tian*, XiaobinZeng. 1H and 13C-NMR data for novel meroterpenoidsisolated from Arnebia euchroma (Royle) Johnst. Data in Brief2019 24:103908. (*Corresponding author)

6)JunTian*,Chao Pan, Man Zhang, Yeyun Gan,Shenyuan Pan, Man Liu, Yongxin Li, Xiaobin Zeng. Induced cell death in Ceratocystis fimbriata by pro-apoptoticactivity of a natural organic compound, perillaldehyde, through Ca2+overload and accumulation of reactive oxygen species. Plant Pathology 201968: 344-357. (二区)

7)Jun Tian,Li Zhu, Wenjun Wang, Liping Zhang, Zhi Li, Qingyu Zhao, Ke Xing, ZhaozhongFeng, Xue Peng. Genomic analysis of Microbulbifersp. strain A4B-17 and the characterization of its metabolic pathways for4-hydroxybenzoic acid synthesis. Frontiers in Microbiology20189: Article 3115. (二区)

8)LanlanGe, Jiemei Li, Haoqiang Wan, Keda Zhang, Weigang Wu, Xiaoting Zou, Shiping Wu,Boping Zhou, Jun Tian*, Xiaobin Zeng. NMR data for novel flavonoidsfrom Lonicera japonica flower buds. Data in Brief201821: 2192-2207. (*Correspondingauthor)

9)LanlanGe, Jiemei Li, Haoqiang Wan, Keda Zhang, Weigang Wu, Xiaoting Zou, Shiping Wu,Boping Zhou, Jun Tian*, Xiaobin Zeng. Novel flavonoids from Lonicera japonica flower buds andvalidation of their anti-hepatoma and hepatoprotective activity in vitro studies. Industrial Crops and Products 2018 125: 114-122.(*Corresponding author) (一区TOP)

10)YangWang,YuzhenZhu, Lingyun Xiao, Lanlan Ge, XinWu, Weigang Wu, Haoqiang Wan, KedaZhang, Jiemei Li,Boping Zhou, JunTian*, Xiaobin Zeng. Meroterpenoids isolated from Arnebia euchroma (Royle) Johnst andtheir cytotoxic activity in human hepatocellular carcinoma cells. Fitoterapia2018131: 236-244. (*Correspondingauthor) (三区)

11)HongZeng, Tao Li, Jun Tian*, Lili Zhang. TUBP1 protein lead tomitochondria-mediated apoptotic cell death in Verticillium dahlia. International Journal of Biochemistryand Cell Biology 2018 103:35-44. (*Correspondingauthor) (二区)

12)HongZeng, Huiping Ding, Jun Tian*, Lili Zhang.Pore-forming mechanism of TUBP1 protein act on Verticillium dahlia. Process Biochemistry2018 73:6-14. (*Corresponding author) (三区)

13)Chi Zhang,Man Liu,JunTian*.Regional variations in essential oils components, antioxidant capacities, andantifungal activities of Piper nigrum L in China. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICANCHEMICAL SOCIETY2018. (*Corresponding author).

14)YangWang, Ji Chen, Keda Zhang, Weigang Wu, Lanlan Ge, Haoqiang Wan, Jiemei Li, JunTian*, Xiaobin Zeng. Chemical composition, proapoptotic andantiosteoporosis activities of the essential oil from the aerial part of Alpiniaofficinarum Hance. Chinese Medicine 2018 9: 144-164. (*Corresponding author) (四区)

15)JunTian*,Yeyun Gan, Chao Pan, Man Zhang, XueyanWang, Xudong Tang, Xue Peng. Nerol-inducedapoptosis associated with thegeneration of ROS and Ca2+ overload in saprotrophic fungus Aspergillus flavus.AppliedMicrobiology and Biotechnology2018 102(15): 6659-6672. (二区Top)

16)ManZhang, Man Liu, Shenyuan Pan, Chao Pan, Yongxin Li, Jun Tian*.Perillaldehyde controls postharvest black rot caused by Ceratocystis fimbriata in sweet potatoes. Frontiers inMicrobiology2018 9: Article 1102. (二区)

17)周晓辉, 王瑱, 邱立娟, 冯昭中, 田俊*. 银杏白果提取物抗氧化及抗菌研究. 时珍国医国药2018 29(3): 577-580.

18)田俊, 田慧. 以就业为导向的面向药学专业的实践教学模式改革探究.教育现代化2018 5(13):102-104.

19)HuiTian, Su Qu, Yanzhen Wang, Zhaoqun Lu, Man Zhang, Yeyun Gan, Peng Zhang, JunTian*. Calcium and oxidative stress mediateperillaldehyde-induced apoptosis in Candidaalbicans. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology2017101(8): 3335-3345.(*Corresponding author) (二区Top)

20)JunTian*, Zhaoqun Lu, Yanzhen Wang, ManZhang,XueyanWang, Xudong Tang, Xue Peng, Hong Zeng.Neroltriggers mitochondrial dysfunction and disruption via elevation of Ca2+and ROS in Candida albicans. InternationalJournal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology2017 85: 114-122. (二区)

21)Jinle Lin#, JunTian#, Li Wang, Weigang Wu, Huaying Li, Xueyan Wang, XiaobinZeng, Wenwu Zhang. Apoptosis and surfactant protein-C expressioninhibition induced by lipopolysaccharide in AEC II cell may associate withNF-κB pathway.The Journal ofToxicological Sciences201742(1): 53-61. (#co-first author) (四区)

22)JunTian*, Yanzhen Wang, Zhaoqun Lu, ChunhuiSun, Man Zhang, Aihua Zhu, and Xue Peng. Perillaldehyde, a promising antifungal agent used in food preservation,triggers apoptosis through a metacaspase-dependent pathway in Aspergillusflavus.Journalof Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2016 64: 7404-7413. (一区Top)

23)Hong Zeng, Rong Chen, Xiaoxia Luo, Jun Tian*. Isolation andanti-Verticillium dahliae activity from Bacillus axarquiensis TUBP1protein. ProcessBiochemistry 2016 51: 1691-1698. (*Correspondingauthor) (三区)


1)全局调控因子LaeA调控紫苏醛诱导的黄曲霉AflPdr1外排功能的分子机制, 国家自然科学基金面上项目,在研,项目负责人,项目编号31972171(2020.01-2023.12)

2)黄曲霉细胞凋亡中钙信号调控网络应答紫苏醛的机制研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,在研,项目负责人,项目编号31671944 (2017.01-2020.12)

3)银杏多糖的提取、分离纯化及其功能性饮料的研究与开发,徐州市科技计划项目重点研发计划(现代农业),在研,项目负责人,项目编号KC17053 (2018.01-2020.12)


5)黄曲霉毒素合成中紫苏醛对相关基因的调控机制,农业农村部农产品质量安全收贮运管控重点实验室开放课题,在研,项目负责人,项目编号XM13B107 (2018.09-2020.09)

6)白果多糖饮品的研发,企业横向项目,在研,项目负责人,项目编号HX2018157 (2018.09-2019.12)






























1)HanYonghua,Zhang Z, Liu C, Liu J, Huang S, Jiang J, Jin W. Centromere repositioning incucurbit species: Implication of the genomic impact from centromere activationand inactivation. PNAS2009,106(35): 14937-14941.

2)Yibo Zhao, LiqianZhang, Xu Li, Yanhui Shi, Ruru Ding, Mengting Teng, Peng Zhang, Changsheng Cao, and Peter J. Stang. Self-assembled ruthenium (II)metallacycles and metallacages with imidazole-based ligands and their in vitroanticancer activity.PNAS2019, 116(10): 4090-4098.

3)Miao Xiangmin, Cheng Z, Ma H, Li Z, Xue N, Wang, P. Label-Free platform formicroRNA detection based on the fluorescence quenching of positively chargedgold nanoparticles to silver nanoclusters.Analytical Chemistry2018, 90: 1098-1103.

4)JunTian,Yanzhen Wang, Zhaoqun Lu, Chunhui Sun, Man Zhang, Aihua Zhu, and Xue Peng. Perillaldehyde, a promising antifungal agentused in food preservation, triggers apoptosis through a metacaspase-dependentpathway in Aspergillus flavus.Journalof Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2016 64: 7404-7413.

5)ChaiYuxing, Jiang SJ,Guo WJ, Qin MS, Pan JB, Bahadur A, Shi GX, Luo JJ, Jin ZC, Liu YJ, Zhang Q, AnLZ, Feng HY. The effect of slope aspect on the phylogenetic structure ofarbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities in an alpineeco system. Soil Biologyand Biochemistry2018, 126: 103-113.

6)Feng Zhaozhong, Jiang AJ, Mao AW, Feng YH, Wang WN, Li JJ,Zhang XY, Xing K, Peng X. The Salmonella effectors SseF and SseG inhibitRab1Amediatedautophagy to facilitateintracellular bacterial survival and replication. Journal of Biological Chemistry2018, 293(25): 9662-9673.